Car Bottom/Bogie Hearth Furnace for Forgings (Heat Treating)
The car bottom/bogie hearth furnaces are the “all-rounders“ for the heating and heat treatment of large and heavy ingots or of forgings in charge-wise operation. We have already implemented furnace for charges with a weight of max. 300 t.
Due to sophisticated measuring technology and precise process guidance the furnace are also suitable for high-quality forgings which are used e.g. in the aerospace industry.
Since our software solutions comply with the certification and documentation according to e.g. CQI-9 or AMS 2750, we support our customers in proving the quality of their furnace plants and processes. Thanks to mobile, tablet-based solutions, we are able to minimize the efforts for the regular check of the plant technology.
Regenerative, recuperative or hot air burners operate with high energy efficiency; modern refractory materials ensure long lifetimes.
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Friedrich Gerwin
General Manager Sales Furnaces for Hot Rolling Mills and Forging Shops, Tenova LOI Thermprocess

Peizhong Wang
Director of Sales Tenova LOI Thermprocess, Tenova Technologies (Tianjin)
Modernization, Service & Spare Parts

Marc Reynaert
Head of Revamp & Modernization, Tenova LOI Thermprocess