Technical data

- High productivity: up to 70 t/h tph and more
- Furnace’s length up to 30 meter and more
- Pipe lengths: 6000 till 15000 mm
- Pipe OD: 1” to 4 ½ “ (114,30 mm) for tubing ; 4 ½“ to 20“ (508 mm) for casing
- Pipe WT: 2,8 mm to 22 mm for tubing ; 5,2 mm 35,7 mm for casing
- Upset pipe processing allowed
- Wide variety of mechanical and handling solutions to ensure pipe temperature uniformity and straightness
- Skid system by special heat resistant casting for improved pipe temperature uniformity
Benefits and profitability
- Low fuel consumption
- NOx and CO emissions according to Best Available Technologies
- Tenova in-house developed burner to cope with process requirement and to enhance sustainability
- Indirect heating system to maximize pipe temperature uniformity
- High velocity burners with free flame
- Tenova Flexytech ™ technology gathering virtual zone separation to exactly locate the heat input where it is required across the furnace chamber.
- Hydogen and hybrid combustion
- High plant availability
- Limited oxide scale formation
- Special geometry of steel casted fingers have been developed for charging and discharging machines to allow an improved flexibility to the system for handling different sizes of pipes and minimize the pipe pace rate.