2023 International Symposium on Hydrogen Metallurgy

September 5-7, 2023
Chongli, Hebei Province, China

The 2023 International Symposium on Hydrogen Metallurgy (ISHM2023), organized by HBIS Group and The Chinese Society for Metals, will be held on September 5-7 in the city of Chongli, Hebei Province, China. The event will involve a number of technical sessions about the use of hydrogen in metallurgy.

Our Paolo Argenta, EVP of Upstream Business Unit, and Stefano Maggiolino. Tenova HYL President & CEO, will deliver two presentations at the event:

  • "The transition to a sustainable steel industry with the ENERGIRON® direct reduction technology", September 5 - Stefano Maggiolino
  • "A pragmatic multipronged approach to sustainability at Tenova", September 6 - Paolo Argenta.

Tenova will be a sponsor of the event.

Go to the event's website