The steel industry is experiencing a rapid worldwide evolution in terms of management structures, technology and business. In this context, technological innovation and digitalization play a fundamental role. In this context it is essential to allow the management to be actively involved in the implementation of company policies and to shape and contribute positively to on-going developments. The Eurosteelmaster is aimed at managers, researchers, students, trade unionists and other professionals operating in the entire value chain of the steel sector. Within the Master two seminars will take place: ECOSLAG and ControlInSteel.
On May 16 at 9.40, Marta Guzzon, Global R&D Engineer in Tenova, will present its portion of the study within the European project of Reserach Fund for Coal and Steel Ecoslag, discussing the development and testing of an advanced air/water granulation of EAF slag directly at the furnace (on line EAF slag treatment).
Within the Master, on May 17 at 15.15 and 16.45 respectively, Enrico Malfa, R&D Director in Tenova, will present an Introduction to the Direct Reduction technology and its perspective for the future, and Andrea Grasselli, Proposal Department Manager in Tenova, will discuss about Electric Arc Furnace and its new important role for a sustainable steel production.