Technical Data

Main technical features:
- Very high heat recovery efficiency (recuperator efficiency up to 75% for non-recirculating radiant tubes and 85% for recirculating radiant tubes versions)
- NOx emissions reduced at very low level thanks to the high internal recirculation of waste gases
- High uniformity of radiant tube temperature (temperature difference < 45°C for recirculating radiant tubes and < 80 - 100°C respectively for non-recirculating designs)
- Direct ignition start-up with dedicated electrode
- Flame detection with UV sensor or elecrtode
Fuels: Natural Gas, COG, LPG (and hydrogen mixtures of them). Turn down: 20%-100%
Typical pressure losses:
- TRK:
air side: 850 daPa (integrated ejector)
fuel side: 500 daPa
air side 600 daPa
fuel side: 600 daPa
air side: 600 daPa
fuel side: 1500 daPa