Austenitizing Furnace WBF/CBF for Heavy Plates
Tenova LOI's heat treatment lines are the perfect companion for tailor made quenched and tempered heavy plates.
Customers' requirements to heavy plates became higher and higher over the last years. The only way to follow this needs of the market is a dedicated heat treatment to create the right properties. Sometimes Normalizing seems to be sufficient but almost all high end plates - high strength or extremely wear resistant - get a Q&T treatment. Q&T stands for quenched and tempered plate, a treatment which influences the mechanical properties in a very wide range.
Tenova LOI is the leading company in this field of Q&T-treatment since the middle of the 1990s with more than 25 successful installations all over the world consisting of more than 30 Quenches and more than 50 Furnaces. Experience in combination with improvement guaranties the best quality.
Due to the flexibility of Tenova LOI's WBF/CBF for Heavy Plates all kind of heat treatment - Hardening, Normalizing and Tempering - are possible. The lines are the perfect companion for niche producer with small lots.
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Holger Kehler
General Manager Sales Heat Treatment Flat Products, Tenova LOI Thermprocess

Peizhong Wang
Director of Sales Tenova LOI Thermprocess, Tenova Technologies (Tianjin)
Modernization, Service & Spare Parts

Marc Reynaert
Head of Revamp & Modernization, Tenova LOI Thermprocess