GSU - With Shuttle Trolley, with Single Trolley and with Trolley self travelling
Tenova Grab unloaders (GSU) are designed to handle bulk materials across a wide range of different particle sizes and properties.
Tenova GSU are specifically tailored-made according to client's requirements incorporating various solutions according to their specific application.
Tenova grab ship unloaders cover a wide-range of capacities and vessel sizes Grab-type ship unloaders are particularly convenient to ports that discharge different material types as the grab system can work across various materials. This consolidated technology demonstrated good operability and reliability over decades of activities.
Among the available typologies Tenova can offer double trolley (with shuttle trolley), Single Trolley, Trolley Self Motorized.
Tenova is specialized in fabricating and fully assembling off site and in shipping to final destination the GSU in a single unit by Heavy Lift Ship (Lo-Lo) or by Flat Deck Ship or Barge (Ro-Ro).
Rest of the World

Francesco Stagnaro
Sales & Marketing Director, Tenova Material Handling