Ni/Co Electrowinning
Tenova Advanced Technologies (TAT) provides services and proprietary equipment, as well as complete circuit packages for Electrowinning (EW) sections of metal recovery plants for the mining industry. TAT designs Tankhouses of all sizes, from those for small operations to large-scale, manual, and automated systems.
Tenova Advanced Technologies (TAT) offers differentiated, project-specific process technologies based on decades of research, equipment design and project execution. Advanced solutions include solvent extraction (SX) and electrowinning (EW) for the mining and chemical industries, membrane circuits, in-house state-of-the-art R&D facilities, expertise in minerals beneficiation as well as phosphate processing from ore to purified phosphoric acid and salts. TAT designs EW Tankhouses of all sizes, based on both manual and automated systems. The EW packages supplied by TAT include TAT’s Crossflow Electrolytic Cell (“TENOCELLTMTM”) and anode double contact bus bar (“TENOBARTMTM”) and “Buttons” technology
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Amir Yanai
GM - Business Development & Marketing, Tenova Advanced Technologies